2024 August Archive - ZonSupport

Archive: 2024 August

  • How to Lower your Return Rates on Amazon

    By ZonSupport | Posted on August 24, 2024| Blog

    Selling on Amazon is tough. The competition is ruthless so you have to innovate constantly to stay ahead. Unlike a physical store, your job doesn’t end with a sale. Product returns can be a nightmare for any Amazon seller, harming your credibility and eating into your profits.  Customers might return

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  • Free Amazon Bullet Point Bot!

    By ZonSupport | Posted on August 15, 2024| Blog

    Are you ready for Amazon's new bullet point guidelines that JUST went into effect? These new bullet point guidelines are more restrictive than ever. There are 24 new rules for you to get your head around. This will take you hours and hours of work to make sure you comply with

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